APRIL Tue 6:30-7:30pm - High Beginner Technique & "RUMBA" Choreography

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APRIL Tue 6:30-7:30pm - High Beginner Technique & "RUMBA" Choreography

from $75.00

Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm (PT) - Technique & “RUMBA” Choreography for High Beginner level

IMPORTANT - All choreography classes are exclusively for participants in the student show. The choreographies are  ongoing since October 2024, and have been in progress for the preparation of our annual student show in May.

Tuesdays - 3 weeks April 15, 22, 29 (No class on April 1, 8)


  1. Walk-Ins are NOT accepted including Drop-in. Advance registration and payment are required

  2. No refund/credit/make-up/transfer after you signed up

  3. No Drop-In for all choreography classes

Please read our school policy before you sign-up >> HERE

[CLASS Descriptions]

  • Great class for beginners and those who absent from dancing for a while

  • If you have never studied Flamenco, please consider to take Tuesday 5:30pm class instead.

  • This Rumba choreography is a repertoire for the student show in 2025. Carola will introduce a new section each week. All choreography classes require practice before the next class.

  • NO FILMING of teachers or other students is allowed without the teacher’s permission. 

    If you are enrolled in "choreography" classes, teachers may permit you to film at the end of the class if necessary. Please do not film in the middle of the class. All films are for personal use only. 

    If you are enrolled in 'technique' classes, filming is not allowed. Please do not expect teachers to permit filming. 

Please be aware that the videos we provide are not only integral to the class experience but also represent Carola's years of expertise and teaching style. Access to these materials is exclusively granted to enrolled students as part of the class fee. We kindly request your cooperation in respecting the value of our teacher's work. Thank you.


If we did not reach minimum number of students, we will close this class.

Session or Drop-in:
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