Spanish version (English version is below)
Queridos Amigos y Seguidores,
Extendemos nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a cada uno de ustedes que contribuyó al éxito de nuestra reciente producción, "Un Mundo sin Tiempo/A World Without Time". Su apoyo, ya sea como patrocinadores, donantes, miembros del público, voluntarios o personal, desempeñó un papel invaluable en dar vida a nuestra visión en el escenario.
A nuestros estimados patrocinadores y donantes, su generosidad y creencia en nuestra misión son verdaderamente inspiradoras. Su apoyo nos permite seguir creando actuaciones significativas y cautivadoras que enriquecen nuestra comunidad y más allá.
Estamos profundamente agradecidos a nuestro leal público por acompañarnos en el teatro y compartir la magia del flamenco. Su presencia y entusiasmo alimentan nuestra pasión, y nos sentimos honrados de tenerlos como parte de nuestra familia artística.
También queremos expresar nuestro profundo agradecimiento a Juani de la Isla, director musical, y a nuestros talentosos músicos Diego Amador Jr., Pascual Martínez, Mario Silva y Roberto Aguilar. Su increíble música no solo nos acompañó, sino que también nos inspiró a bailar con pasión y emoción.
A Nol Simonse, gracias por tu sabiduría, talento, confianza y creencia en este proyecto. A Adrián Santana, gracias por compartir tu extraordinario talento y arte con nosotros en el escenario y en el curso. A Claudia y Lea por las incontables horas de ensayo que dedicaron.
Todos sus compromisos han sido fundamentales para el éxito de esta producción.
A Bob Sander, por tu invalorable apoyo con el sonido. A Kevin y Sharlyn, por ser el mejor equipo técnico que podríamos tener. Al equipo completo de ODC y a los voluntarios que nos brindaron su apoyo incondicional.
Y a Takako Makino, gracias por estar siempre a mi lado y por tu compromiso inquebrantable con la compañía, los artistas y los alumnos. Sin ti, nada de esto sería posible.
Especial agradecimiento a mi familia por su apoyo incondicional. Su aliento y comprensión han sido realmente invaluables. Sus contribuciones detrás de escena son profundamente apreciadas y han sido fundamentales para nuestro éxito.
Mirando hacia adelante, empezaremos a preparar nuestra nueva producción. Podemos prometerles una experiencia inolvidable que mostrará la belleza y el poder del flamenco de nuevas y emocionantes maneras. Estén atentos a más actualizaciones y asegúrense de marcar sus calendarios para lo que promete ser otro viaje inolvidable con nosotros.
Una vez más, gracias de todo corazón por su apoyo inquebrantable. Estamos profundamente agradecidos por la oportunidad de compartir nuestra arte con ustedes y esperamos muchos momentos memorables juntos en el futuro cercano.
Mis mas cordiales Saludos,
Carola Zertuche
Directora de Theatre Flamenco of San Francisco
ENGLISH version
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who contributed to the success of our recent production, "Un Mundo sin Tiempo/A World Without Time." Your support, whether as sponsors, donors, audience members, volunteers, or staff, played an invaluable role in bringing our vision to life on stage.
To our esteemed sponsors and donors, your generosity and belief in our mission are truly inspiring. Your support enables us to continue creating meaningful and captivating performances that enrich our community and beyond.
We are deeply grateful to our loyal audiences for joining us in the theater and sharing in the magic of flamenco. Your presence and enthusiasm fuel our passion, and we are honored to have you as part of our artistic family.
Also, we want to express our deep appreciation to Juani de la Isla, musical director, and our talented musicians Diego Amador Jr., Pascual Martínez, Mario Silva, and Roberto Aguilar. Their incredible music not only accompanied us but also inspired us to dance with passion and emotion.
To Nol Simonse, thank you for your wisdom, trust, artistry and belief in this production. To Adrián Santana, thank you for sharing your extraordinary talent and artistry with us on stage and in the workshop. To Claudia, Lea for the countless hours of rehearsal you dedicated.
All of your commitments have been fundamental to the success of this production.
To Bob Sander, for your invaluable support with the sound. To Kevin and Sharlyn, for being the best technical team we could have. To the entire ODC team and to the volunteers who provided us with their unwavering support.
And to Takako Makino, thank you for always being by my side and for your unwavering commitment to the company, the artists, and the students. Without you, none of this would be possible.
Special gratitude to my families for their unconditional support and love. Your encouragement and understanding have been truly invaluable. Your contributions behind the scenes are deeply cherished and have been pivotal to our success.
Looking ahead, we will start preparing our next production. We can promise you an unforgettable experience that will showcase the beauty and power of flamenco in new and exciting ways. Stay tuned for more updates and be sure to mark your calendars for what promises to be another unforgettable journey with us.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your unwavering support. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to share our artistry with you and look forward to many more memorable moments together in the future soon.
With warmest regards,
Carola Zertuche
Artistic director of Theatre flamenco of San Francisco
Theatre Flamenco of San Francisco, the Bay Area’s oldest flamenco dance company (having been founded in 1966), brings audiences an explosive music and dance experience in Un Mundo sin Tiempo (A Timeless World).
In this production, we bring back the cherished 'Passage through a timeless world' 57th Home Season repertoire with the participation of our original members, alongside the vibrant energy of new talents.
57th Home Season at Herbst Theater
In the company’s triumphant return following the tremendous success of the last performance, Artistic Director Carola Zertuche blends flamenco with live electronic music, trumpet and electric guitar. All musical compositions have been written expressly for this show. The world-renowned Spanish guitarist, Juani De La Isla, will lead the musical journey, accompanied by Diego Amador Hijo, a highly respected flamenco artist. The ensemble includes flamenco dancer Adrian Santana from Malaga, guest modern dancer and choreographer Nol Simonse, California-based electronic musician Pascual Martinez, with Roberto Aguilar on electric guitar, Mario Silva on trumpet and dancers Claudia Delveze and Lea Kobeli.
The evolution version of Passage through a timeless world' 57th Home season.
Embark on a mesmerizing global journey with "Un Mundo sin Tiempo," inspired by Zertuche's captivating 2021 expedition to Jordan during the challenges of COVID restrictions. The production invites you to witness the transformative power of her experiences, as she delves into the enchanting landscapes of the Wadi Rum Desert—a place that left an indelible mark on her soul.
Immerse yourself in the moment when serene energy enveloped Zertuche amidst the endless red sand and the brilliance of stars in the night sky. In this surreal setting, time seemed to come to a standstill, creating an atmosphere where everything was perfect and possibilities were boundless. Intriguingly, Zertuche draws parallels between this ethereal encounter and the captivating art form of Flamenco, aspiring to share these indescribable energies with the audience.
For an hour and 15 minutes, let yourself be transported to a realm where time loses its grip, and the magic of Flamenco unfolds. Additionally, "Un Mundo sin Tiempo" takes on a poignant note, addressing the challenges faced by Palestinian lands. Zertuche dedicates the show to the innocent lives, especially children, tragically lost in their homeland, inviting the audience to rediscover the peaceful energy that surrounds these lands amidst adversity.
Join us on this extraordinary voyage, where the spirit of travel, the magic of Flamenco, and the resilience of the human spirit converge. "Un Mundo sin Tiempo" is more than a show; it's a celebration of life, a cross-cultural tribute to beauty, and a heartfelt dedication to those who endure the trials of time.
Please find the virtual program before the show.
Cast (Find individual bio below)
Carola Zertuche - Artistic Director & Choreographer & Flamenco Dancer
Juani de la Isla - Music Director & Flamenco Guitarist (Spain)
[Guest Artist from Spain]
Adrian Santana - Flamenco Dancer
Diego Amador Hijo - Flamenco Singer & Percussionist
[Featured Artist]
Nol Simonse - Modern Dancer & Choreographer
Mario Silva - Trumpet Player
Pascual Martinez - Electronic Musician
Roberto Aguilar - Electric Guitarist
Claudia Delveze and Lea Kobeli - Dancer
In this special presentation, we revisit the essence of our past home seasons by bringing back the cherished 'Un Mundo sin Tiempo' repertoire. This time, the enchantment continues with the participation of both our original members and the vibrant energy of new talents.
Join us for a captivating journey through the timeless essence of flamenco!
February 2024
Special Workshops with Diego Amador Hijo & Adrian Santana & Juani de la Isla
Original Production
Transitar por un Mundo sin Tiempo / Passage through a Timeless World
57th Home Season at Herbst Theater
Saturday, May 13th, 2023
57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
Juani De La Isla - 57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
Diego Amador Hijo - 57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
Carola Zertuche & Adrian Santana - 57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
Finale - 57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
Marina Elana - 57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
Carola Zertuche - 57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
Carola Zertuche - 57th Home Season “Passage through a timeless world” at Herbst Theater.
Thank you for the great article, Andrew Gilbert & SFClassicalVoice!
Carola Zertuche
CAROLA ZERTUCHE (Artistic Director, Choreographer, Dancer), born in Torreon, Mexico, has collaborated with international and local artists in productions paying homage to traditional styles of flamenco since assuming the artistic directorship of the company in 2008. She has toured Mexico, USA, South America, Canada, and the Middle East, dancing with various flamenco companies, and performed at New York's Joyce Theater and Jacob's Pillow in Massachusetts. Zertuche has collaborated on projects with flamenco dancers such as Andres Marin, Carmen Ledesma, Pastora Galvan, Adela Campallo, Jesus Carmona, Nino de los Reyes among others. In 2017, she made her San Francisco Opera debut as the choreographer for La Traviata. Her later production Soul y Alma, a sold out Performance at the Herbst Theatre, was named “one of the best performances of 2020” by Bay Area dance critic, Rita Felciano.
Juani de la Isla
JUANI DE LA ISLA (Musical Director, Composer, Guitarist) aka Juan Francisco Gonzalez Caballero is a highly respected and world-renowned flamenco guitarist from the island of San Fernando near the port city of Cádiz in southern Spain. He began his musical
education studying with the great flamenco singer Rafael Romero and has been a student of the celebrated flamenco guitarist Manolo Sanlúcar. Juani de la Isla has also been trained in the gypsy flamenco style of Morón – a small pueblo in the heart of Andalucia’s flamenco country. Throughout his illustrious career, he has accompanied some of the finest flamenco artists of this century: singers Jose Mercé, Chato de la Isla, Juan Villar, Rancapino, Pansequito and Aguilar de Vejer; and dancers Javier Barón, Sara Baras, and Manuela Carrasco. He has composed music for the flamenco dance company of Cristina Hoyos and for over a decade has been the Musical Director for the popular flamenco singer El Barrio. Juani de la Isla’s recording career includes participation on more than 100 albums with some of Spain’s finest flamenco artists including Jose Mercé, Joaquin Sabína, Paco Ortega, El Barrio, and David de María. In 2015, he released his first solo CD Libertad en Mis Manos.
Adrian Santana
ADRIAN SANTANA (Guest Artist; Flamenco Dancer from Malaga, Spain) began his training at the age of 9 with his uncle, Pepito Vargas, the great dancer from Malaga and continued his studies at the Professional Dance Conservatory in Malaga. Santana has formed part of dance companies such as Manuel Liñán, Carlos Saura, Aida Gómez, and Rocío Molina and has shared the stage with artists such as Pastora Galván, Nani Paños, Rafael Estévez, Javier Latorre, and Lola Greco among others.
In 2010 Santana received the second prize of the XIX Certamen de Coreografía de Danza España y Flamenco of Madrid with his piece Siempre Me Pasa Lo Mismo. His second solo work premiered in Granada at the Corral del Carbón in 2014, and in 2015 he presented the same show at the IV Bienal de Flamenco de Málaga. In 2017 he represented at the Albuquerque Flamenco Festival as well as traveled to Toronto to the Aga Museum. In 2018, he presented at the 22nd Festival de Jerez in the Sala Compañia, receiving great reception from the public and press. Also that year, he was awarded 2nd Prize Desplante in the international contest Cante de Las Minas de la Unión.
Santana’s latest production Las 4 Esquinas del Perchel premiered within the framework of the VI Bienal de Arte Flamenco de Málaga at the closing gala of the festival at the Teatro Cervantes, having great success. The dancer from Malaga has also performed in festivals such as the Bienal de Sevilla, London Flamenco Festival, New York Flamenco Festival, Japan and the Acropolis of Greece among many others. He has also performed in productions by artists such as Granero and Antonio Canales. As a teacher, Santana has traveled to several continents giving courses in the USA, New Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Israel, Russia, and Italy. In Spain he has worked at different conservatories and schools as a guest teacher.
Diego Amador Hijo
DIEGO AMADOR, HIJO (Flamenco Singer, Guitarist) was born in Seville into a family considered Flamenco royalty. His father is the celebrated Flamenco pianist Diego Amador and his uncles, Rafael and Raimundo Amador, were the founders of the popular Flamenco band Pata Negra. From a very young age, he began performing and touring with some of Spain’s top Flamenco artists, including Remedios Amaya, La Susi, Lole Montoya, Farruquito, and Joaquin Cortes. He is also an accomplished Flamenco percussionist and released his first album Presente en el Tiempo, in 2021.
Pascual Martinez
A multi-disciplinary creator, Pascual Martinez, currently studying at UC Santa Cruz, specializes in electronic music composition. For Theatre Flamenco's 57th Home Season, he collaborates with Carola Zertuche, creating electronic soundscapes inspired by Flamenco's roots.
Nol Simonse
Nol Simonse grew up in Washington, D.C., and trained at the Boston Conservatory of Music. He moved to San Francisco in 1997 and is a founding member of Kunst-Stoff, Janice Garrett and Dancers, and Sean Dorsey Dance. He is also a longtime collaborator/performer of Sue Roginski, Eric Kupers, Christy Funsch, Stephen Pelton, and Kara Davis. Nol has worked with many other Bay Area artists, including Mark Foehringer, Mary Armentrout, Todd Courage, Della Davidson, ACT director Carey Perloff and choreographer Val Caniparoli.
Nol has been nominated many times over the years for an Isadora Duncan Bay Area Dance Award, and in 2011 was awarded one for individual performance “for his entire season, including A.C.T.’s The Tosca Project.” In 2009 Nol received a GOLDIE for dance (Guardian Outstanding Local Discovery) from Rita Felciano, who has called Nol “an intense artist”, and “a marvel of a dancer”. Nol was the first person to win Luna Dance Institute’s Choreofund prize, and Dance Teacher Magazine published an interview with him in the September, 2016 issue.
Nol currently teaches modern at the Alonzo King’s Lines Dance Center, and Shawl-Anderson Dance Center. He has taught choreography, repertory, and performance workshops for adults and teens, and has made dances for the Lines summer program, students at USF, Shawl-Anderson Youth Ensemble, ODC’s Dance Jam, and Dance Mission Theater’s Grrrl Brigade. Nol began teaching with Tina Banchero at Dance Mission Theater, and he participated in Luna Dance Institute’s summer intensive and a pedagogy workshop with Janice Garrett. Nol produced eight seasons of ‘Shared Space’ with Todd Eckert at Dance Mission Theater from 2007-2016 and has had residencies at Dance Mission and Studio 210. Nol was one of the 25 nominated artists to create a dance for the 25th anniversary season of the West Wave Dance Festival, and was a 2017 mentee of Margaret Jenkins in her CHIME Program.
Mario Silva
MARIO SILVA was born and raised in the Mission District of San Francisco to parents from Diriamba, Nicaragua, Silva composed the album to be a rich sonata, or musical journey that reflects the influences that conceived his artistic persona; a dynamic product of the Americas.
Compositionally Silva fuses Afro-Cuban ritual drumming, Funk, EDM, Dixieland, Jazz, instrumental Pop and other styles, while paying homage to the tradition of trumpet players and composers that came before him. The final product is a modern take on traditional Latin Jazz styles that offers a fresh sound and clean product for a broad audience. As a multi-faceted musician who has been playing for 21-years, Silva’s distinct style has landed him recognition and respect within the global music community, earning him a certificate Grammy for his performance with Morgan Heritage on “Strictly Roots,” a record that was awarded best album of the year in 2015.
Aside from this and his own musical project, Silva has played with other notable acts including the Bay Area Afro-Cuban All Stars, Bang Data, Grammy nominated group from Nicaragua La Cuneta Son Machin, Rupa and the April Fishes, and virtuosic Cuban piano player Chuchito Valdes, whom has been featured throughout his debut solo album.
On the heels of earning a Masters in Jazz Performance, Silva delivers a musical project that celebrates the raw and intricate elements of his studies,practice,culture and spirituality grounded in the original sound of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Roberto Aguilar
ROBERTO AGUILAR studied classical guitar at City College of San Francisco. His interest in Flamenco began in 1996, studying with guitarists Jorge Liceaga and Manolo Fernandez. After a few years of playing for dancers he began taking dance lessons with Carola Zertuche. He has spent time in Madrid and Seville studying guitar with El Entri, Jesus Torres, Juan Antonio Suarez ‘Cano’ and dance with Maria Magdalena, Antonio Reyes, Manuel Betanzos, Alicia Marquez and Ramon Martinez.
He began his professional career at ‘La Bodega’, one of the first flamenco venues in San Francisco where he was a featured artist for many years. He was invited to participate in the International Culture and Tourism Festival in Beijing, China. Roberto has performed with Theatre Flamenco of San Francisco for several years and is regularly selected to take part in the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival. He performed with the Juan Siddi Flamenco Theater Company in the 7th Annual International Cultural Festival in Doha, Qatar.